"You have to be unique, different, and shine in your own way" - Lady Gaga

"The men don't know, but the little girls understand"

Saturday, 16 October 2010

I want be a billionaire so freaking bad ...

Hello Bloggies :)

Well I must admit I loveeee this song I mean state the obvious right? Who doesnt want to be a billionaire! I thought that now it's nearly winter here and that my brithday and christmas both fall in this season I thought a wishlist would be very appropiate! :) Enjoy!

Of cource what beauty blogger wish list wouldn't inclueded this little treasure!

It's neautral goodness I would never need eyeshadow again!

I really want to try this stain and my sister just rung me up and said she saw it in debenhams and said it would look lovely on me :)

Pinky goodness! :)

Conceal Conceal Conceal! :)Benefit ftw here isn't it :) I really want to try more of the brand after getting the eye bright which made it way into my everyday routine!

MAC I do love you I think MAC's best thing are there blushes, lip stuff and eyeshadows :)

I have wanted MAC lady blush for the longest time :)

Well if I had one thing that I maybe couldn't buy with money it would be this dude with a bow on top ;)

He-he :) I would also relaly love some book recommendations! I'm a little book worm and I am currently reading Across the Nightingale Floor By Lian Hearn It's very very good my english teacher told me to read it and when she handed it me she said it was like giving a child away ;) She's lovely! If I had to recommened some books it would be Memoirs of A Geshia and Slumdog Millionaire they are completly different to the film and so much better! :)

What are you wanting at the moment?

Love all round

Justine :)


  1. this is such a cute little post :) maybe if you wish really really hard you'll get justin bieber? I am sure you'll be the most hated girl ever if you got him though - all those jealous girls including my sister! :) thank you for following my blog. I will follow yours too :)


  2. Loving this post! I really want that Urban Decay palette! x

  3. ooooh, lovely choices! Hopefully santa will be particularly generous this year! I dont think I could start a wish list because it would just go on and on and on... :)


  4. @ Christina Thank you! It looks so temptiing doesn't it! :) x

    @ All made up Thank you! I hope he is! Hehe I had to really think hard to get it down to just these things ;) x

  5. I ♥ the Naked palette - it will be even more perfect for next summer! Boi-ing is a really good concealer - very creamy :)

    check out my blog

    sarahbox04.blogspot.com xx

  6. Thanks I relaly hope I get it love your blog! I will follow it now! :) xx

  7. awww youre such a cutie, am now following you!
    this list is great, im in desperate need of some more make up, any good receommendations for a cheap but good mascara? let me know on my blogxxxx


Thank you for commenting darlings :)